Spring Lecture: Sunil Félix, Nuclear Energy and Sustainable Development

Sunil Félix, Nuclear Energy and Sustainable Development
March 14

1:30 PM

Since the first nuclear plant in the 1950s, the world has been divided on the use of nuclear power for energy. Using the case of France, Dr. Sunil Félix will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and its contribution to sustainable growth of a country. 

Dr. Félix has been the Nuclear Counsellor at the French Embassy in Washington, DC since 2020, having previously served in the same position at the French Embassies in South Korea, India, and Japan. Following a PhD and post-doctoral studies in Mathematics, he joined the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA – France) in 1990. Since then, he has been working as a research engineer in the Structural Analysis field. He was also the Personal Assistant to the Chairman of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), from 2006 to 2010 during the French Presidency of the Forum. Dr. Félix was awarded the National Order of Merit by the French National Authorities in 2015.


Reservations are required to attend in-person lectures. In-person lectures will be held in the Spring Valley Building, 4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW, in Room A on the First Floor. Registration for the above lecture will open here at 10:00 AM on the Friday prior to the lecture. The direct registration link will also be included in the Friday newsletter the week prior. You must have an OLLI account to register. If you do not have one, you can create an account when going to register. Each registrant may reserve up to two seats. Your name must be on the list of registrants to enter the lecture and you must be in your seat five minutes before the lecture starts to guarantee your seat.