SGL Workshop—Teaching at OLLI
Wednesday, February 21
10:00-11:30 AM
In-Person at OLLI (Room A on first floor)
Led by: Ruth Lozner
Calling all SGLs! After your career in a professional field, are you new to teaching? Or are you a seasoned instructor but you’d like to sharpen your pedagogical and classroom management skills?
This workshop will address the particular joys and challenges of teaching in general, and, at OLLI, in particular. Taken together with “PowerPoint 101” be better prepared in the art of creative teaching!
Topics include:
- Designing a syllabus
- Introducing and organizing a course
- The first class session
- Presentation pointers and best practices
- Classroom management
- Suggested solutions to problematic scenarios
Ruth Lozner has taught the popular OLLI class, Sharpen Your Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills. She holds a BFA Carnegie-Mellon University and an MFA from American University. She is Professor Emerita at the University of Maryland, teaching Creative Thinking and Innovative Problem Solving in the Honors College, Smith Business School, and Arts and Humanities College. At UMD, she co-directed The Academy for Teaching and Learning. She is also an RSA Fellow UK, and a retired member of the National Education Committee, Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
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