Course Details
9604: Poetry Workshop in the Mystic Tradition
February 10-14
9:45 AM -
11:15 AM
Explore the rich intersection of poetry and mysticism in this five-day immersive workshop. Rooted in traditions from diverse spiritual paths, including Sufi, Christian, and Eastern mystical literature, this course invites participants to delve into the transcendent power of language. Through guided readings, discussions, and creative writing exercises, we will explore how mysticism shapes poetic expression, focusing on themes like union with the divine, the ineffable, and the quest for spiritual insight. Participants will learn techniques to channel these profound experiences into their own writing, transforming personal reflection into evocative verse.
View Syllabus
Class Type: Reading and Discussion
Class Format: In-Person
Hours of Reading: 1-2 hours/session
Study Group Leader(s):
Rebecca HillRebecca Hill is a multifaceted educator and researcher. After teaching English in high schools and colleges in the US and abroad, she has been working with international students as a higher education advocate. When she is not analyzing education policy in DC, she is active in poetry and performance communities up and down the Eastern seaboard. She researches and publishes on Islamic book culture and art history, the history of poetic forms, and Middle East-West relations in the premodern era.