Course Details

9204: Can We Talk ... About Your Healthcare Wishes?

February 10-12
9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Get comfortable discussing your healthcare wishes with your loved ones. Explore what matters most to you (using videos, games, humor, and discussion) and learn how to talk to your family (and doctors) about what you do and don’t want should others have to make medical decisions for you. Prevent disagreements and distress about who should make decisions and what those decisions should be; provide a guide for loved ones so they can be your voice when you can’t tell your doctors what’s important to you. Leave with an advance directive for healthcare, a clearer understanding of what matters most to you, and peace of mind!

Class Type: Lecture and Discussion

Class Format: In-Person

Hours of Reading: Less than 1 hour/session

Study Group Leader(s):

Julie Buyon

Trained in health advocacy (MA, Sarah Lawrence) and bioethics (Einstein-Cordozo Medical Humanities), Julie Buyon is a palliative care patient advocate who has worked in hospitals, foundations, and community organizations since 2005 to assist seriously ill patients and improve the end-of-life experience for patients and families.

Reading List:

Being Mortal (Atul Gawande) | 2017: Metropolitan | ISBN: 978-125007622 | Recommended