Spring Lecture: Charles Trueheart, Diplomats at War

Charles Trueheart, Diplomats at War
April 4

1:30 PM

Charles Trueheart is the author of Diplomats at War: Friendship and Betrayal on the Brink of the Vietnam Conflict (University of Virginia Press), winner of the 2024 Douglas Dillon Award for the best book of the year on American diplomacy. He was director of the American Library in Paris from 2007 to 2017. Most of his earlier career was in journalism, including 15 years at the Washington Post, first covering book publishing and literary topics, then as a correspondent in Canada and France. Before joining the Post, Trueheart was associate director of the Institute of Politics at Harvard University and director of the Kennedy School of Government’s Public Affairs Forum. His writing has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly and the American Scholar, where he is a contributing editor. Trueheart was educated at Exeter and Amherst. He and his wife, Anne Swardson, live in Paris and Staunton, Virginia.


Reservations are required to attend in-person lectures. In-person lectures will be held in the Spring Valley Building, 4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW, in Room A on the First Floor. Registration for the above lecture will open here at 10:00 AM on the Friday prior to the lecture. The direct registration link will also be included in the Friday newsletter the week prior. You must have an OLLI account to register. If you do not have one, you can create an account when going to register. Each registrant may reserve up to two seats. Your name must be on the list of registrants to enter the lecture and you must be in your seat five minutes before the lecture starts to guarantee your seat.