Spring Lecture: Liza Mundy, The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA

Liza Mundy, The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA
April 18

1:30 PM

Liza Mundy is an award-winning journalist and the New York Times-bestselling author of five books, including her latest work, The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA (2023). The Sisterhood recounts the true story of the women espionage officers—tough, brilliant, resilient—who helped build the world’s foremost spy agency. It received starred reviews from Booklist and Kirkus, which named it one of the most anticipated non-fiction titles of fall 2023.

Her previous book, Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II (2017), tells another true story of women’s contributions to American intelligence, recounting the lives and legacy of more than 10,000 women recruited to break Axis codes during World War II. 

A former staff writer for the Washington Post, Mundy is also the New York Times-bestselling author of Michelle: A Biography, a 2008 biography of former First Lady Michelle Obama; and The Richer Sex, which explored the forces behind women’s rising economic power. She has appeared on numerous television and radio news shows. She writes for the Atlantic, Politico, and Smithsonian, among others. She lives in Washington, DC—not far from the sites of both the Army and Navy WWII codebreaking operations—and in Los Angeles, CA.


Reservations are required to attend in-person lectures. In-person lectures will be held in the Spring Valley Building, 4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW, in Room A on the First Floor. Registration for the above lecture will open here at 10:00 AM on the Friday prior to the lecture. The direct registration link will also be included in the Friday newsletter the week prior. You must have an OLLI account to register. If you do not have one, you can create an account when going to register. Each registrant may reserve up to two seats. Your name must be on the list of registrants to enter the lecture and you must be in your seat five minutes before the lecture starts to guarantee your seat.