Course Details
9704: Origin and Evolution of the English Language
February 10-13
1:45 PM -
3:15 PM
This course delves into the following topics: the Anglo-Saxon invasion of England, English and Frisian, the conquest of Celts in England, church Latin, Beowulf and Old English, Viking languages, the unification of England brought about by King Alfred, Norman conquest, French domination of the upper class for 300 years, English returning to all social levels, Shakespeare, new forms of English developed from 1600 to the present, many sources for English vocabulary, titans of the English language, and the standing of English in the world today.
Class Type: Lecture and Discussion
Class Format: In-Person
Hours of Reading: 1-2 hours/session
Study Group Leader(s):
Jerry LeachJerry W. Leach earned an MA and a PhD from Cambridge University, an MA from Berkeley University, and a BA from Emory University. He was lecturer at the Turkish Teachers Institute, University of Papua New Guinea, Cambridge University, and American University in Cairo. Leach also served in the Peace Corps in Turkey, was a US Diplomat with the State Department, and worked at the National Security Council and World Affairs Councils of America.
Reading List:
The Timeline History of the English Language (Gary Judge) | 2009: Cognographica | ISBN: 978-143926224 | Required